Thursday, May 19, 2011

Heat Illness

Summer is almost upon us – and so is our old friend, heat illness.  The sneaky thing about heat illness is that it can affect the young and old, the healthy and the not-so-healthy.  Though the young, elderly, and over-weight are more susceptible, no one is completely immune no matter how great the shape you’re in.  We can all put ourselves into positions that leave us wide open to heat’s affects. 

Normally, the body keeps its cool by sweating.  But sometimes due to environmental and/or physical conditions, the body’s internal temperature rise to levels that are dangerous – heat illness.  The reasons our bodies overheat can vary, but the most typical is working for extended periods in high heat.  Also keep in mind that combined factors can put you at higher risk.

Some conditions that may cause or exacerbate heat illness: 
high heat
high humidity
not acclimatized to the environment
certain medications (know the side effects of all medicines)
being over-weight and/or in poor physical condition
being very young or elderly

take frequent breaks
drink plenty of water or sport drinks, approx. 1 quart/hour
work in the shade as much as possible
wear appropriate clothing that allows optimum air flow
stay away from alcohol and caffeinated drinks (both can dehydrate you)

Levels of Heat Illness and Their Symptoms
Heat Cramps – muscle cramps
Heat Exhaustion – heavy sweating; weak or dizzy; fast, shallow breathing; cramps; headaches;
Heat Stroke – extremely red, dry skin (no sweat), high body temp., disorientation – NOTE: heat stroke can be fatal!

Managing Heat Illness
Heat Stroke can lead to death!  If you suspect someone is suffering from heat stroke, don’t delay – CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY!
Get the person in shade
Have them lie down and elevate their legs 8 – 10 inches
Remove excess or loosen clothing
Fan them with cool air, careful not to overcool
Give them cool water or sport drinks (so long as they are conscious), wet the skin
Place ice packs in arm pits, groin area, and neck
If the person does not improve in a short period, call 911!

Heat Illness Is Real! 
Don’t discount the symptoms of heat illness as “sissy” or imaginary.  The effects are real and can quickly go from cramps to death.  So take your health and those you love seriously and learn how to keep your cool!
For more in-depth information regarding heat illness, look at these sites: